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LIFESTYLE CONSULTING « Petula Alicia Fraser - Life Alignment Coach

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Petula alicia fraser

Lifestyle consulting

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Are You Settling For Less?

About Lifestyle Consulting

Lifestyle Consulting can get you results. It can help you achieve a deeper level of peace, happiness, and fulfillment, unlike any feeling you’ve felt before.

As a lifestyle consultant, I will give you specific goals and action steps to help you reach your desired results. I also give you the direct approach you need to take. I assess your situation and provide you with advice for a targeted area, obstacle, or goal.

You can plan your life how you want it and work your life plan every day. My beautiful friend, you are the one who has to make your life work for you. I inspire the women I work with to show up unapologetically in their lives, relationships, and in the world.

Achieve Your Success

I believe that it’s normal to have more than one passion or purpose in life. It’s essential that you know, you don’t have to feel stuck in an unfulfilling life. My advice is to be strategic in your life to achieve the success you want.

Lifestyle Consulting Is Right For You If:

  • You can honestly say that you don’t have all the answers.
  • It would help if you had a partner to hold you accountable.
  • You would like to benefit from continuous motivation, encouragement, and support.
  • You want new insights to help with personal decisions, business decisions, a creative project, or goal planning.
    • Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?

      Are you showing up for the success you want out of life?

      Do you need better time management so that you can make room for abundance?

      Working with a lifestyle consultant will help you align all areas of your life. As you work on one obstacle, it affects other areas of your life. 

      Do you want a healthy body, mind, body, and quality relationships?

      Are you tired of having success in one or two areas of your life and struggling in other areas?

      You can have a much deeper level of happiness, unlike anything you’ve felt in your life so for.

      The Outcome? As your lifestyle consultant, I will give you specific goals and action steps to help you reach your desired goal.

      When I wear the Lifestyle Consultants hat, I give you the specific paths you should take. I also evaluate your situation and advise you on a targeted area, obstacle, or goal.

      Working with a lifestyle consultant provide you with these benefits:

    • Accountability
    • Peace of mind
    • Mental, spiritual, social and physical alignment
    • An increased sense of fulfillment
    • A support system It’s time to have someone to hold you accountable. This is for you.

      If you want peace of mind, here is a great place to start!

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      I Can Help You.
      Get In Touch For a  Consultation

      • mindset

      • habit-changing

      • LIFE balance

      • Time management

      • LifesTYLE

      • introspection

      • self-confidence

      • accountability 

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      Pick My Brain Session

      The online virtual consulting session is to help you gain clarity on your goals, life stages, and more. It can help you discover what roadblock is hindering you from moving forward. 

      This one-on-one 45 minutes session can help you gain clarity and answer questions you have. It's also a time for you to get advice or to pick my brain. It's the perfect way for you to access a valuable source as quickly as possible.

      Consulting is the next best option for coaching. Isn't it time for you to begin the journey to your breakthrough so that you could keep moving forward.

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      This call is right for you if

      • You want a pick my brain session.

      • Need answers and direction about life or lifestyle issues.

      • Ready to take action to overcome your challenge.

      • Not ready for coaching but want to get help.

      At the end of the breakthrough call, you'll get resources to support you in gaining the momentum you need to have. If you would like to experience what it's like to work with me. It's time to stop waiting for change to happen. 

      Take action by clicking the button to get started!


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      Elevation Strategy Experience (E.S.E.)

      Can you imagine having clarity, focus, and momentum after being stuck and feeling frustrated?

       Elevation Strategy Experience (E.S.E.) is the answer you've been in search of for so long. It's a 90 minute intensive. We'll brainstorm, plan, and strategize during our session. We'll focus on one challenging area you're struggling with, and together, we'll create an action plan which will map out the steps you need to implement to reach your desired goal. 


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      The Right Catalyst To Help Get You There!

      E.S. Experience is right for you if you have one or more of the following obstacles and is ready to overcome it: 

      - You have a long list of ideas and can't decide which one should be your focus. 

      - You know what you want to achieve, but you're unclear about how to get there.

      - If you're having difficulty taking needed action in your life? E.S.E. will boost your confidence, give you a point of focus, and help you create momentum.

      - If you find it challenging to plan and implement your goals.

      The Elevation Strategy Experience is the catalyst to help get you started on where you want to go.

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      Accountability Package

      As your dedicated accountability coach, I will provide you with the accountability you need to take action and get it done. The goal is to help you overcome self-sabotaging behavior, prevent overwhelm, keep you focused on your goal, and help you sustain your momentum while making progress.

      It's time to take your productivity and success to its ultimate level. You'll Get:

      • 5 x One on one 15 minutes accountability calls.

      • One weekly check-in email.

      • One weekly accountability calls so that you can keep taking intentional action.

      • Support for a goal you've committed to taking action on.



      Let Me Be Your Accountability Partner

      You'll also be able to ditch the excuses, get tangible results, and banish distractions. Get ready to experience a higher level of self-confidence and ease of action


      The “Four Ease” Approach to finally getting out of our Comfort Zone

      “Real change is difficult at the beginning, but gorgeous at the end. Change begins the moment you get the courage and step outside your comfort zone; change begins at the end of your comfort zone.” ~ Roy T. Bennett



      Life Alignment Coaching

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      I help the successful woman make the profound mental and behavioral shifts she needs to create the joy and fulfillment she is longing to have. To end burnout, overwhelm, and to find clarity. So then she won’t have to keep sacrificing her health, relationships, happiness, or career and begin enjoying her success and begin living a meaningful and enriched life!