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HOME « Petula Alicia Fraser - Life Alignment Coach

This is your time to create

the life you'll love waking up to
Lifestyle ConsultingLife Alignment Coaching

Check Out the motivating video below!

You can be single and happy

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LifeStyle Consulting Experiences

Pick My Brain Session

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45 – Minute Virtual Consultation Session

Elevation Strategy Experience

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90 – Minute Virtual Strategy Session

Accountability Package

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5 – 15 Minutes Weekly Check-In Calls

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Hi, I’m Petula Alicia Fraser


Life Alignment Coaching

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Dynamic Woman Awake

An in-depth journey into yourself to unleash the dynamic woman within!

Introspection & Self Knowing

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You are a high achiever, but you find yourself feeling lost in your life. You find your self unable to act and move forward. It’s even possible that you’re feeling unclear about things in your life at the moment. You need to get unstuck and gain clarity. I created Dynamic Woman Awake to meet those needs. To help you achieve the momentum and clarity you’re looking for to create the life you’ll love waking up to – Are you seeking to redefine yourself and your life? Or vanquish the burnout that’s preventing you from enjoying your life. You’ll get the help to overcome these roadblocks inside Dynamic Woman Awake.


Ignite Your Passion

Embrace Your Courage

Unleash Your Brilliance 

I really like the different ways introduced to Master Overwhelming Situations. I learned new strategies such as the Wheel of Life. It helps you organize your goals for different categories in your life. Someone asked about procrastination and you mentioned the count down method, I have been using that when I just don’t feel like getting out of bed and things I need to do. It truly works.”

Rachael M.

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Beyond The Outside Image

A guide to inner elevation

Reenergize your life by going beyond the surface solutions and into the heart of the problem to reshape it so you can create the joy and fulfillment you’re longing to have.

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This experience teaches high achieving women using proven techniques and strategies for creating a fulfilling, harmonious, energized, and joyous life. This journey aims to help successful women enjoy their success and accomplishments to create experiences free of burn out, stress, and overwhelm. You’ll gain an in-depth knowledge of self, sustainable behavioral, and habit changes to create an enriching life and be present for your loved ones, yourself, dreams, and passions.

No More





Having The

Life You


When I started working with Petula earlier this year, I had no idea who I was or what path I truly wanted to take.  During that time, I have gained better clarity of who I am and the vision for my life goals.  She also helped me with a major goal I had of finishing a  certification I  had been putting off.  I not only completed and passed it the first time, but less than a week later I gained 3 clients.

Shelley S.

Book Petula Alicia

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Would you like Petula Alicia to speak at your next event?

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Best Sellers Book



You Too Can Rise To Unleash Silenced Emotions And Reclaim Your Power!

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